Avatar Generator

This generator will create a custom avatar that you can use and share with friends. Select from the many options below to generate a new avatar, you'll then be able to download your avatar to use on any website or upload directly to Gravatar from this site. You can also share your new avatar on social media, currently supported are: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google. Please be patient while all images load, there are so many options, it's worth the wait!

How to Use?

The avatar generator has so many options available to create your perfect avatar, just follow the steps below to get started:

  1. To start, select your preferred gender.
  2. Select different features such as: face, eyes, hair and clothes.
  3. Different skin tones can also be applied to the avatar.
  4. Adjust the position and scale of the avatar to your liking.
  5. You can either download your new avatar or upload to Gravatar to use across many websites.