Fuel Consumption Converter

This free online tool will help you to convert a fuel consumption value into a variety of different fuel values. Currently with this fuel calculator conversion tool, you will be able to convert between the following fuels: Kilometres per Litre, Litres per 100 Kilometres, Miles per Gallon and US Miles per Gallon.
Simply enter a value into any field below for the calculator to convert to the other displayed fuels.

L/100 km

How to Use?

The fuel conversion calculator is a handy webtool to use to convert from one fuel consumption to another.

  1. Enter a fuel value into one of the fields above.
  2. All the other fields will automatically update to their converted fuel.
  3. You can copy any fuel value to the clipboard, by clicking on the symbol.
  4. Any number value will be accepted including the 'e' exponent.
  5. If you would like to see another fuel added to the above, please contact us.