Error Page Generator

Generate custom error pages for your site. Just enter the location of the error pages into the fields below and click 'Generate It'. Remember to always start with a leading slash. Copy and paste the resulting code into your .htaccess file.
NB: If you enter the wrong path, this will cause a 500 Internal Server Error.

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Error Codes

Path To Error Page

(i.e. /404.htm or /custom/404.htm)
301 Moved Permanently:
302 Moved Temporarily:
400 Bad Request:
401 Authorization Required:
403 Forbidden:
404 Not Found:
405 Method Not Allowed:
408 Request Timed Out:
415 Unsupported Media Type:
500 Internal Server Error:
501 Not Implemented:
502 Bad Gateway:
503 Service Unavailable:
504 Gateway Timeout:
505 HTTP Version Not Supported:


How to Use?

The error page generator makes it simple to create the necessary code for error pages that you copy in to your htaccess file.

  1. Work out which error pages you need and upload the pages to your server.
  2. Enter the link location in to the form above for your needed error pages.
  3. Click on 'Generate It' for the code to be produced.
  4. Copy and paste the generated code in to your htaccess file.